Top Qaulities of a good Teacher for school and institutes

A good teacher posses special qualities: communication, patience, listening, honest, self confident, patriotism demostration, technically capable, motivation and knowledgeable.

A Good Teacher: is one who explains so well that lowest ranked student can also listen to him/her sincerely.

Here, I present yout the top qualities of a good teacher:

Quality 1 - Explanation and Demonstration: 

Plan your lesson for upcoming lectures, even though you are good in that subject but the students you are going to teach are not the same. Write down a lesson plan which covers the lesson explanation technically simplified and demonstrate in such a way that each student can understand the concept.

Quality 2 - Place your honesty

Make a strategy for your students on how they can achieve best results. Focus on thier personal assesment as well. Do not just teach the students, indeed interact with them as a responsible teacher. Ask questions and verify if the taught topic has been understood by each one of them.

Quality 3 - Have patience all the time

Few Types of students:

  • Visual learner,
  • Aural learner
  • The loner
  • Teacher's pet 
  • The late comer
  • The unknown
  • The gossipers
  • The class clown
If you know the ground, the players and the opponents well, then it easy to keep patience. No matter, what situation you are in, you can keep patience consistently through out the time.

Quality 4 - Listen carefull till end

It's not easy all the time to listen to student's questions, doubts and explanation, they may confuse or frustrate you. Keep your calm and listen to them carefull untill they finish it. Only then you can conclude it. Interrupting student and judgung thier behaviour would be like labeling them for no reason.

Quality 5 - Sharing your experiences

Student's love listening to stories and experience, it easese thier study pressure and gives an entertaining and intresting break. Always share your experience on the related topic, this will give them a positive answer to compare with thier brain image answer. 

Quality 6 - Be a leader and an idol for your students

Be responsible and open minded for student's action, declare yourself a leader to your students. You must broadcast set of rules, guidelines and your plannings on how you can help them achieve thier goal not only in shool/college results but also in real life.

Quality 7 - Be good and confident

It's nice to a good person, people love you and invite you for good reasons. Your kindness and confidence will take you close to student, and this step will lower the gap of teacher-students, eventually helping you to analyese thier good and bad.  

Quality 8 - Learn everyday

Learning never ends! learn everyday, make a schedule and infact make calendar for the year. We are experiencing upgradation in every streams in this digital era. You can't just stop yourself from upgrading to your own newer version. Student's love something new everyday!

Quality 9 - Prepare yourself before lecture

  • Read your lesson
  • Prepare your lesson plan
  • Highlight your points
  • Create a list of hardwors
  • Input few experiences
  • Conclude your lecture

Tip 👍 : Interaction with each students with all possible above qualities will activate a good teacher                      within you.


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