How to copy data from any website restricting keyboard copy function or right click

The Internet as whole idea is about sharing your information publicly for educational, learning and research purpose. Now, some website put restriction for copying of data or put some restriction which disables the right click or windows shortcuts. This is because they don't want you to copy it for free or may be the fear of competitors. But as a student of science and technology, never ever get disturbed by any obstacle in your learning.

I was preparing key notes for Class 12 physics student's of Maharashtra board, I came across an educational website which covers good list of keypoints chapterwise. But the issue was to copy the key topics was disabled on this website using javascript, I could't copy or right click or use any keyboard shortcuts to perform copying action.
Remember: The problem you face is always a running problem to others in society. Immediately I started documenting the problem statements and solution steps.

However, there can be number of solutions to this copying restriction on webstie. But the easiest solution is written stepwise as below;

Step 1: Right click on the web page

Step 2: Click on Print button

Step 3: Click on Destination, Save as dropdown as shown below and select "Save as PDF"

Step 4: Save this file as PDF on your computer of laptop.

Step 5: Now Open blank Microsoft Word file

Step 6: Now Open the PDF file and your desitred website content is enabled to copy for you.

Step 7: Remeber, any graphics/images in between the text will trouble your copying operation as shown in the below snapshot. In this scenario, yo have to copy in the data in chunks like small portions.

Be patience, this may take little more time as even though we using few shortcuts but grphical images of functions of website may become hurdle to your copying process. But this is still very very helpfull, just imagine in my situation the total pages were more than 50. Finding the perfect content online is not always easy and writting or typing these 50 plus pages is tedious and time consuming task. 

Also taking snaphots doesnt help you, as you always wanted to modify the content according to your need. Aren't you?

You like Videos? 👍  Now, you can also watch full video tutorial step wise here;

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